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BREAKING THE LINKS: Development Theory and Practice in Southern Africa, Ed. by Robert E. Mazur (HARDCOVER)

BREAKING THE LINKS: Development Theory and Practice in Southern Africa, Ed. by Robert E. Mazur (HARDCOVER)
Product Description
The diversity of theories and extensive analyses of the essays in this collection herald the work of Ann Seidman. Provocative, they continue the debates about development, transition to socialism, regional cooperation, constitutional transformation and workers' control. We can all join the tribute to Ann Seidman's work by engaging in the debates and advancing the analyses.
—From the Preface by Carol B. Thompson—
Ann Seidman was an animator of African Studies in the United States before most of us became caught up in the nationalist struggle. It is opportune to recognize this role as the last decade of the twentieth century begins and the last colony becomes independent. This collection by immediate and extended "family" recognizes her energy and integrity through its intimate and international scope. We may not always agree with Dr. Seidman's approach but we can all salute her commitment. Both social theory and Southern Africa are in flux as conceptual and political links have to be continually reassessed to secure sustainable development.
—Professor Timothy Shaw, Dalhousie University—
We need to be reminded that South Africa lies in Africa. This is because it has been responsible for the underdevelopment and destruction of the neighboring states and also because the future of a post-apartheid South Africa needs deep links with the region for the benefit of all. Ann Seidman has done much to explain these issues and this book is a fine acknowledgement of her work.
—Ben Turok, Director, Institute for African Alternatives—