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Africa World Press & The Red Sea Press

ኩሽ እና ኩሻዊ PB


ኩሽ እና ኩሻዊ PB


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ኩሽ እና ኩሻዊ ኩሽ በሀገር ስምነት የሚወክለውን ጥንታዊ ሀገር፣ በዚያ ሀገር ይኖሩ የነበሩ ህዝቦች ማንነትና የነበራቸውን ስልጣኔ፣ በመፅሀፍ ቅዱስ ያለውን የኩሽ አጠቃቀም፣ እንዲሁም ኩሻዊ በመባል የሚታወቁት ቋንቋዎችን እና ተናጋሪዎቻቸውን በጥልቀት ቃኝቷል። ኩሽ ከመፅሀፍ ቅዱሱ አጠቃቀም እና ከጥንታዊ የኩሽ መንግሥት ጋር አንዳንዴ እየተደባለቀ በኢትዮጵያ ታሪክ መቅረቡንም ዳስሷል። ኩሽ በሚል ይጠቀስ ከነበረው ሀገርና በዚያ ከሚኖሩ ህዝቦች ጋር አሁን ያለው ኩሸቲክ/ኩሻዊ የሚለው የቋንቋ ቤተሰብ ስያሜ አጠቃቀም የሚያገናኘው ነገር መኖር አለመኖሩን ሰፋ አድርጎ ቃኝቷል።

Kush/Cush and Cushitic: Language, History, Race, and Religion offers a multifaceted examination of the term “Kush/Cush” and its related concepts, drawing from historical, linguistic, and cultural perspectives. In the realm of historical linguistics, “Cushitic” is employed to describe a hypothetical language family within the Afroasiatic phylum. This term may also be used to refer to the people who speak these languages. However, there is often confusion between this academic usage and the ancient kingdom of Kush, which is frequently referred to Nubia in historical works. The confusion extends to the usage of the same term in Biblical texts. The book delves into the history of the Kingdom of Kush, the Biblical usage of Kush/Cush, and the so-called Cushitic languages, offering a nuanced discussion of these intertwined topics.

About the Author

ግርማ አውግቸው ደመቀ በስነልሳን የዶክተሬት እና በመረጃ መረብ ደህንነት የማስተርስ ኦፍ ሳይንስ ዲግሪዎች አሏቸው። በቅርቡ በአማርኛ ካሳተሟቸው ስራዎች መሀከል ቋንቋና ነገድ በኢትዮጵያ፤ የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ማንነትና ቅድመታሪክ ከቋንቋ አንፃር ቅፅ አንድ (2018 እአአ)፣ ቋንቋና ነገድ በኢትዮጵያ ቅፅ ሁለት (2018 እአአ)፣ እና የኢትዮጵያ ዘመን አቆጠጠር  (2016 እአአ) ይገኙበታል።

Girma A. Demeke holds a PhD in linguistics. His notable publications include The Origin of Amharic (2nd Edition, 2013), Grammatical Changes in Semitic: A Diachronic Grammar of Amharic (2014), Argobba Speech Varieties (2015), The Ethiopian Calendar (2016), the two-volume work Language and Identity in Ethiopia (2018), and The Syntax of Nominal Clauses: Amharic Infinitives (2023).


Linguistics, History/AFRICA                                      World Rights


Page count: 440 est.

Trim size: 6x9”

Publisher: Africa World Press and The Red Sea Press

Publication date: Nov/Dec. 2024

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