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Africa World Press & The Red Sea Press

PEOPLES, POLITIES, AND SOCIETIES IN PRE-COLONIAL NIGERIA: Essays in Honor of Professor Toyin Falola, Edited by Akinwumi Ogundiran


PEOPLES, POLITIES, AND SOCIETIES IN PRE-COLONIAL NIGERIA: Essays in Honor of Professor Toyin Falola, Edited by Akinwumi Ogundiran


Product Description

This collection of original essays examines different aspects of historical experience in Nigeria and the adjacent regions from the beginning of agricultural communities about 6,000 B.C. to the eve of colonial rule in the mid-nineteenth century. The volume is the first comprehensive book on the different approaches and themes in Nigeria's pre-colonial history, and it is informed throughout by interdisciplinary approaches that integrate archaeological data with oral historical narratives, historical ethnography, material culture, and documentary sources.

The volume opens with an introduction that problematizes the pre-colonial historiography in Nigeria, situates each chapter in critical historiographic contexts, and identifies pathways for further studies. The introduction is followed by twenty-two chapters addressing a wide range of topics, including regional and inter-group interactions, ethnicity and identity, gender relations, state formation and sociopolitical development, urbanization, migrations, institutional and technological innovations, the intersections of commerce and religion and their impacts on the integration of pre-colonial societies into the Islamic World System, the Atlantic Slave Trade and its impacts, and the prelude to the British colonial conquest.

This is the third of the festschrifts to honor and celebrate the achievements of Professor Toyin Falola. Distinguished scholar, teacher, author/editor of over 50 books, and author of hundreds of articles, chapters, and reviews, Professor Falola is certainly the most prolific historian of Africa ever, and arguably the most versatile. The political economy and socio-economic dimensions of his works on pre-colonial Nigeria inform the analytical and thematic approaches of this volume. In so doing, these essays critically celebrate Toyin Falola's contributions to the historiography of Nigeria, and open up new imprints of Nigeria's past.

AKINWUMI OGUNDIRAN is assistant professor of history at Florida International University, Miami. He is the author of Archaeology and History in Ilare District, Central Yorubaland (1200-1900) in the Cambridge Monograph of African Archaeology Series. He has also authored several articles and chapters on precolonial cultural history, material culture, and historiography. He is a recipient of research awards from Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research and National Endowment for the Humanities.

History, Poitics/AFRICA

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