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Africa World Press & The Red Sea Press

SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN MOZAMBIQUE, Edited by Bernado Ferraz & Barry Munslow


SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN MOZAMBIQUE, Edited by Bernado Ferraz & Barry Munslow


Product Description

How can sustainable development be achieved in Mozambique, a country that has been overwhelmed by destabilization, destruction and devastation? This book brings together the evidence of Mozambiquans themselves as to what they have achieved so far and what they have yet to do. The contributors are civil servants, ministers and leaders of national NGOs as well as academics. They know what it is to be challenged daily by the problems of trying to improve the welfare of the citizens of one of the world’s poorest countries.


The first democratic elections in 1994 proved to be an act of national reconciliation as remarkable as those in the same year in neighboring South Africa. There were good harvests and growth revived in the economy. Foreign investment is being encouraged in minerals and energy, transport and tourism. Structural adjustment has had mixed effects. Debt relief could bring changes.


The book provides a case study of how to apply the principles of sustainable development within the context of Southern Africa methodologies such as rapid appraisal and environmental impact analysis.



Bernardo Ferraz is Minister for the Coordination of Environment Action in Mozambique.


Barry Munslow is professor of Politics in the Faculty of Social and Environmental Studies at the University of Liverpool and is an adviser on sustainable development to the Government of Mozambique.



Development Studies, Politics, History/AFRICA

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